Ray Gun Comic Book Subscription Service

Our primary aim is to provide our dedicated patrons with a consistently excellent comic book subscription service. Join us today and let us simplify your life!

Never miss an issue and enjoy a 10% discount!

Active members of our subscription service receive a 10% discount on all "new & recent" comic book titles. To get started, simply complete our simple Subscription Sign-Up Form, then drop it off at our front register. A minimum commitment of 10 monthly titles is required, with book pickups at least once a month.

Upon receiving your completed Sign-Up Form, we will assign you a personalized "Box #" for your convenience. Please ensure that you provide a valid email address so we can stay in touch with you.

Each week, the titles you've requested will be pulled and placed in your designated box. When you visit the store, just tell us your "Box #" at the front register, and we will hand over your comics – it's that easy. New issues hit the shelves every Wednesday.


Maintaining an up-to-date subscription list is of utmost importance. Specify the titles you want, as we cannot select books based on writers or artists, etc. To make changes, request a form at the register or send your changes to subscriptions@rayguncomics.com.

As long as you keep the ten-title minimum, you have the flexibility to add or remove titles as you see fit. There is no obligation to hold onto titles you no longer want – please keep us informed.


It is vital that you collect ALL of your books AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH. Titles older than thirty days may be removed from your box and sold. Neglected subscription boxes may face suspension. Keeping your subscription list current and updated is your responsibility to ensure you receive the titles YOU desire. Please refrain from leaving unwanted titles in the store's back.

If you anticipate being out of town or unable to visit once a month for any reason, PLEASE NOTIFY US! It is your responsibility to keep us informed. Simply give us a call or email us, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Your subscription discount applies exclusively to NEW & RECENT COMICS. It does not extend to graphic novels, manga, back-issue comics, action figures/toys, or any other merchandise. This discount cannot be combined with other offers. Your subscription box is exclusively for your subscription comic titles; no other merchandise can be stored in it.

If you have ANY questions regarding our subscription service, feel free to email us, and we will gladly provide clarification!

We always strive to honor your reasonable requests, as your satisfaction is our top priority. We extend our sincere gratitude to all of our loyal customers – your business and cooperation are truly appreciated.

Click the button below to print the sign up sheet. Just fill it out, drop it off at the shop and you’re in!